An SEO Case Study

The Challenge

Barnacles Island Resort is one of several rental resorts located on North Captiva Island, Florida. The resort found itself struggling to gain any traction in organic search results as aggregator competitors began dominating search results.

The toughest challenge in the lodging/hospitality industry is the fact that the search results are dominated by large aggregator sites like Trip Advisor, Expedia, and rental sites like AirBnB.

To combat this, we researched competitors and built a content strategy designed to exploit gaps in their strategy. Combined with our technical SEO improvements, the results speak for themselves. 

The Solution

The SEO campaing involved the following efforts:

  1. Techinial SEO Audits
  2. Competitive Audits
  3. On-Page Optimization
  4. Content Strategy

First we did a thorough analysis of keywords the aggregator sites were targeting, which were primarily “hotels” keywords. This informed our focus on “resort” and “vacation” keywords combined with the geo name (North Captiva Island).

We then performed a thorough assessment of the website from a user-facing and technical SEO perspective. We delivered a lengthy set of recommended fixes and improvements and worked with the client’s developer over the following months to implement.

We then went about a standard optimization strategy: Keyword research, content assessment, implementation of more readable and keyword-targeted copy, site structure improvements, title, description & header work.

Finally, we provided content strategy consulting focused on off-site link building. We built an editorial calendar and helped them land a writer and outreach specialist to begin a guest-posting campaign.

Deep Competitive Analysis

Technical SEO Audit and Improvements

Content Audit and Strategy Execution

Targeted Local Link Building


Organic Traffic Increase


Increase in Monthly Organic Bookings

New Ranking Keywords

Happy Client

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We are an SEO and search marketing company. We use custom data processes and good old fashioned experience to grow revenue for businesses. We can prove it.

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(818) 588-6462

